[2024′ NYC Votes] What do elected officials do?

Our elected officials make decisions every day that impact jobs, housing, education, healthcare, and more. Learn more about the offices on your ballot. To learn about candidates, visit nycvotes.org/candidates.

The Senate is the upper chamber of the U.S.Congress. There are 100 members of the Senate, with two from each state. They serve 6-year terms. A bill becomes law when it passes a vote in the Senate and House and is signed by the President. 법안은 상원과 하원에서 투표를 통과하고, 대통령이 서명하면 법률이 됩니다.

  • Draft, debate and vote on legislation. 법안을 작성, 토론 및 투표합니다.
  • Confirm Presidential appointments such as members of the cabinet(각료), Supreme Court justices, and federal judges.
  • Conduct oversight of all branches of government.

The U.S House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the U.S. Congress. There are 435 members, with each state represented by a number in proportion to their share of the U.S. population. They serve 2-year terms. A bill becomes law when it passes a vote in the Senate and House and is signed by the President.

  • Draft, debate and vote on legislation.
  • Conduct oversight of all branches of government.

The State Senate is the upper chamber of the State Legislature. There are 63 members. State Senators serve 2-year terms, with no term limits. 뉴욕주 상원은 뉴욕주 의회의 상위 의회입니다.

  • Writes and votes on legislation.
  • Approves state spending levels.
  • Upholds or overrides the Governor’s vetoes. 주지사의 거부권을 지지하거나 무효화합니다.
  • Confirms the Governor’s appointments of state officials and court judges. 주지사의 주 공무원 및 법원판사 임명을 확인합니다.

The State Assembly is the lower chamber of the State Legislature. There are 150 members. Members serve 2-year terms, with no term limits.

  • Writes and votes on legislation.
  • Approves state spending levels.
  • Upholds or overrides the Governor’s vetoes.

Justices of the State Supreme Court oversee large felony and civil cases within their districts. The Supreme Court is the trial court in New York State; the Court of Appeals is the highest court. These judges serve 14-year terms. 주 대법원 판사는 관할 구역 내 중요 중범죄 및 민사 사건을 감독합니다. 대법원은 뉴욕주의 재판 법원입니다. 항소 법원은 최고 법원입니다. 여기의 판사 임기는 14년입니다.

  • Presides over divorse, separation, and annulment proceedings. 이혼, 별거 및 무효화 절차를 관장합니다.
  • Handles criminal prosecutions of felonies. 중범죄의 형사 기소를 처리합니다.
  • Decides civil matters over $50,000. $50,000 이상의 민사 문제를 결정합니다.

Civil Court Judges can represent counties or districts, so you may see more than one Civil Court judge on your ballot. Judges are elected to 10-year terms and hear cases including: 민사법원 판사는 카운티 또는 선거구를 대표하므로 투표용지에 1명 이상의 민사 법원 판사가 표시될 수 있습니다. 판사의 임기는 10년이며 다음을 포함한 사건을 듣습니다.

  • Civil matters up to $50,000. 5만불까지의 민사 사건
  • Landlord-tenant matters and cases involving maintenance of housing standards. 집주인과 세입자에 관한 사항 및 주택기준 유지에 관한 사건.
  • Criminal prosecution of misdemeanors. 경범죄 형사 기소

Surrogate Court judges decide cases involving the estates of county residents after their death. They serve terms of 14 years and hear cases including: 검인 후견 재판소는 카운티 거주지의 사망 후 재산과 관련된 사건을 결정합니다. 임기는 14년이며 다음을 포함한 사례를 듣습니다.

  • Cases involving the affairs of the decreased such as wills and the administration of estates. 유언장, 재산관리 등 고인의 업무에 관한 사건.
  • Adoptions
  • Guardianships 후견권